
H. Upmann No. 2 (Single Stick)

Price :

From   INR 2250.00


Its ever present flavours are marked by exotic spices, wood and undertones of grilled peanuts. The strength in this cigar increases with age. This is a famous torpedo and has been compared to Montecristo No. 2. The cigar needs years of ageing to develop its whole potential, getting stronger as time passes by.

H Upmann No.2 cigar has tapered appearance and represents one of the ingenuity of the famous H Upmann tobacco industries. It is made from pure ‘habano’ tobacco grown in Cuba. H Upmann No. 2 has perfect combustion as well as splendid flames. As it burns, you will feel changing flavor from slightly woody, spicy sweet and as you approach the second third you begin to feel the flavor of concentrated coffee. The power rises gently from the fist third and achieves its full potential in the last third. This brand is cost-effective but still provides cigar enthusiast with the same taste and flavor as the other Upmann Cuban cigars.
Origin: Cuba 
Manufactured: Hand Made
Gauge: Thick 
Length: 156
Format: Piramide ​
Ring: 52

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